My List of Techniques for Motivating Yourself/Fighting Procrastination

Not every technique works in every situation, but I've found usually one or more of them will.

Maybe worth mentioning something I don't think works very well: making deals with yourself, e.g. if I study for an hour I get to watch TV for an hour. This point is a little subtle, because I do think it can be reasonable and helpful to have a plan along the lines of "study for an hour then watch TV for an hour". But you want to be studying because you believe studying advances your goals, not to obtain the TV watching time. If you're truly relying on that dangling carrot to motivate you, there's really nothing stopping you from skipping the studying and watching TV, which is an easier means of achieving the same end. Moreover, if you want to watch TV that badly, it can become a distraction as you try to study. Plus you get an undesirable coupling between the two things: if you don't study but watch TV, you may feel guilty, and if you study but don't watch TV, you may feel "robbed of your reward". That might even lead you to watch TV when you weren't even that interested in it!

The case where "study for an hour then TV for an hour" makes sense is when it is more of a question of scheduling: you don't have a lot of trouble motivating yourself to study, nor do you feel you are watching too much TV. Your plan is merely a case of planning out your day, which makes sense.

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